
From Median-XL
Revision as of 19:56, 29 April 2024 by Gavin K88 (talk | contribs) (Rest of the quest links)
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The maps below are for Median XL: Sigma v1.0.4b (currently in the process of being updated for v2.0)

Level Quest Map
Arreat Summit [Assault on Mount Arreat]
Bastion of the Triune [The Triune]
Bramwell None
Bremmtown [Ghosts of Old Bremmtown]
Butcher's Lair [Horror Under Tristram]


Caldeum None
Canyon of the Magi [The Binding of Baal]
Chamber of Blood [Legacy of Blood]
Cathedral of Vanity [The Veiled Prophet]
Church of Dien-Ap-Sten [Black Road]
Corral of Corruption [Bull Prince Rodeo]
Corrupted Abbey [Duncraig]
Crystal Arch [Judgement Day]
Diamond Gates [Judgement Day]
Dimensional Sanctum [Horazon's Sanctum]
Duncraig [Duncraig]
Edge of Nothingness [Herald of the End]

Boss Area:

Edyrem's Path [Nephalem's Sacrifice]

Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
Stage 5:
Stage 6:
Stage 7:
Stage 8:
Stage 9:
Stage 10:

Fauztinville [Fauztinville]
Genesis [Archbishop Lazarus]
Halls of Valor [Judgement Day]
Infernal Cave [Infernal Machine]
Invasion [Invasion I], [Invasion II], [Invasion III]

Greater Riftwalker:
Ascendant Riftwalker:

Island of Skartara [Twin Seas]
Island of the Sunless Sea [Island of the Sunless Sea]
Kingdom of Shadow [Kingdom of Shadow]
Kurast 3000 BA [Kurast 3000 BA]
Court of the Damned [Legion of the Damned]
Library of Fate [High Heavens]
Mbwiru Eikura [Spirit World]
Path to Enlightenment [Banisher of Light]
Pools of Wisdom [Judgement Day]
Proving Grounds [Death Projector]
Rathma Square [Rathma Square]
Realm of Lies [Lord of Lies]
Realm of Sin [Heart of Sin]


Scosglen [Scosglen]
Secret Pacman Level None

Level 1:
Level 2:

Silver City High Heavens
Silver Spire Level 1 [Judgement Day]
Silver Spire Level 2 [Judgement Day]
Teganze [Teganze]
The Void (Black Abyss) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Sloth) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Gluttony) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Greed) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Lust) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Wrath) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Envy) [The Void]
The Void (Plane of Pride) [The Void]
The Void (Bosses) [The Void]
Toraja [Toraja]
Torajan Cemetery None
Torajan Jungles [Torajan Jungles]
Tran Athulua [Tran Athulua]

Level Challenge:

Uldyssian's Tomb [Nephalem's Sacrifice]
Vizjerei Temple [Quov Tsin]
Viz-Jun [Viz-Jun]
Chamber of Offerings [Inquisitor of the Triune]
Web of Deceit [Astrogha]
World Nexus [Nymyr's Light]

Nexus Bridge
World Nexus:

Wretched Sands [Xazax]
Yshari Sanctum [Yshari Sanctum]

Specter of Hatred:
Dream of Anguish:
Phantasm of Terror:
Figment of Pain:
Snare of Destruction:
Yshari Sanctum: